Just got braces?

Just got braces?

Here are some foods you should avoid and foods that you can eat easily when you have braces on.

The first time you have your brackets and wire put on will be the most painful. During this time is it a good idea to stick to soft foods such as:

  • Smoothies
  • Eggs
  • Banana’s
  • Yoghurt
  • Soup
  • Mashed potato

Once the pain has subsided you can add some more to your diet:

  • Steamed vegetables
  • Soft fruits (grapes, melons)
  • Non tough meats (ham, chicken)
  • Soft cheese
  • Spaghetti or mac and cheese
  • Soft breads

Some key foods to avoid are:

  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Hard or sticky lollies
  • Corn chips/hard taco shells
  • Pretzels
  • Ice
  • Tough meats (steak)


In most cases, children stop thumb-sucking between the ages of 2 and 4, however thumb-sucking that persists beyond this age can affect teeth. It can cause the permanent teeth to erupt further forwards or backwards from where they should erupt, which can affect the bite and appearance. If you are worried about thumb-sucking, at Terrigal Dental we are more than happy to work with you and your child to create a program to help them stop this habit.


Soft drink is bad for your teeth for two reasons:

1. The high sugar content provides food for the bacteria that cause decay, leading to holes in your teeth
2. The high acid content wears away the outer surface of your teeth, exposing the inner surface which is closer to the nerve. This can lead to sensitivity and if severe, can damage the nerve, and may lead to needing root canal treatment. To prove how highly acidic coke is, the pH of water is 7 (neutral) but the pH of coke is 2.63 which is only one point higher on the pH scale than battery acid.

Is it okay to forget about my missing tooth?

Some people don’t mind having a gap in their mouth, however it is important to be aware of the potential consequences of ignoring a missing tooth for an extended period of time. If you lose a tooth and don’t seek professional advice, it could eventually lead to a number of serious issues, ranging from aesthetic changes through to serious health concerns.

A missing tooth can lead to:

  • A resorbed jaw bone, as a result, gum tissue gradually recedes, exposing the roots. As the bone begins to resorb, your face shape can change.
  • Difficulty chewing and speaking.
  • Neighbouring teeth often drift into the space that has been vacated, causing leaning and crowding.
  • The teeth may tip or rotate, this can affect your bite and can even put strain on your jaw joint, causing you to experience unnecessary pain.
  • Problems with your gums, root decay, and sensitive teeth.
  • Losing a tooth can affect your speech – and your smile.


If you have a missing tooth, we can advise you on whether it’s best to fill that space with a denture, a bridge, or an implant, so you can keep your smile looking great and your mouth looking and feeling healthy.

I just found out I am pregnant, how will this affect my mouth?

Pregnancy can affect your gums, in fact, some women who are pregnant can experience a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis where the gums become red, swollen and uncomfortable. The best way to avoid this is with thorough brushing and flossing and regular visits to the dentist for professional cleaning.
Your gums can also affect your pregnancy. People with periodontal disease (loss of the bone supporting the teeth) may be seven times more likely to have a pre-term, low birth-weight baby. If you are pregnant and concerned about your gums please book in a consultation with your dentist!


At Terrigal Dental, we believe that the prevention is better than the cure and recommend our patients attend every six months for check-ups so that any potential problems can be caught and treated whilst they are small. The larger a dental problem is, the more difficult, time-consuming and expensive it is to treat, so don’t put off your six month check-up! Give us a call on 4384 2101.

Do dental x-rays produce a lot of radiation?

Dental x-rays have improved significantly over the years and are now faster, better quality and give a lower radiation dose. To put things in perspective:

  • one dental x-ray would have the equivalent radiation you would receive from half a day outside
  • two dental x-rays has the equivalent radiation found in 100g of brazil nuts
  • a full-mouth x-ray gives the equivalent of two days outside
  • a 3D x-ray would give the equivalent of 12 days outside or the equivalent of
  • flying from New York to Sydney

Good Start Tumbi Umbi – Tuesday the 6th of September 2018.

On Tuesday the 6th of September, Amber and I went to Good Start at Tumbi Umbi to give the Oral Health presentation about why we have teeth and how to keep them happy and Healthy.

As we arrived, the children were outside playing in the fresh air, in the sand pits and on their bikes. There were so many fun things to play with!

We set up our presentation in front of the big colourful mat. This is where the children sit when they are listening to their teacher speak or read a book.

When we were ready, the very kind teachers brought in the bubbly cute children to sit on the mat. As we saw all the beautiful faces we thought we should get things started with a big smile from everyone. We could see so many bright and happy smiles. The children were so excited to meet Amber the Tooth Fairy and couldn’t wait to ask her some questions. One child noticed Mr Dragon sitting on the table and spotted his big teeth and yellow dots on his tail.

We used Mr Dragon to show everyone how to brush our teeth. We started by brushing the fronts of his teeth with circles and we got the children to make circles with their arms. Next we were brushing the biting areas of Mr Dragons teeth by scrubbing and the children we doing scrubbing movements with their arms. Once we had been through brushing Mr Dragons teeth, he had to spit out all the toothpaste. We explained to the children that it is good to spit out the toothpaste, but not to rinse with water so the important minerals can keep the teeth strong. We passed around Mr Dragon so everyone could have a go at brushing his big teeth.

When I asked why do we clean our teeth, a child told us it is so we do not get cavities. I was blown away with the answer! She was totally correct, we brush our teeth so the sugars from our food don’t eat into our teeth. Another way we can do this is to drink and wash our mouth with water after eating.

Looking around the room, we could see that a couple of the children had missing front teeth. It was so exciting to hear that the tooth fairy had come to their house and taken the tooth but left a little treat for them. They loved that Amber the tooth fairy was here today and wondered where she put all of the children’s teeth she had collected. However, this had to stay a secret.

We got two helpers up the front to show everyone what happens at a dental check up. They Dentist and Patient looked great all dressed up and played their roles very well. The patient had 20 happy teeth and she told us how her bottom front teeth are actually wobbly.

The children loved their gift bags and were so happy with the coloured toothbrushes!

We gave the preschool a Colgate story book with the character Brushalotamus. It talks about different ways we can keep our teeth happy. It tells us why it is important to eat healthy everyday foods, drinking lots of water, brush our teeth 2 times and have regular dental visits. The preschool teacher started reading it while Amber and I were packing up. The children were very interested in the story book.

The children gave us a big cheerful good bye and loved walking us to the door and waving through the fence.

It was really nice seeing so many little happy faces and smiles.

Sam Nowlan (Oral Health Therapist).

Does My Child Need Braces?

If you are concerned that your child’s teeth are coming through crowded or crooked, take action!

Booking your child in for an orthodontic consultation could help you understand the why’s and the how’s of braces and plates.

At your child’s first consultation we will have a look at their teeth, gums, jaw structure and potential growth patterns by taking X-rays, photos and impressions of their teeth.

You will then have a sit down chat with Dr Charles to go through the options, costs and time expectancy of the treatment so that you can plan for your child’s orthodontic future.

It’s that simple!



Ash’s Orthodontic Treatment Part 3

Ash’s braces have been on for three months, she has been seeing Dr Charles every 6 weeks to monitor her progress and it is now time for a wire change.

At this appointment the archwire was changed to a thicker, stronger wire that will re position the roots of Ash’s teeth. She also changed the colour of her ligature elastics from black to turquoise.

When your archwire is changed you can expect a little tenderness over the next 24-48 hours as your teeth are starting to move again and there is increased pressure on the teeth from the stronger wire. During this time we recommend going back to a softer diet and taking analgesics as needed.

Watch this space for updates!