Dental Therapy Dogs

Boston and Harvey

After working with many anxious patients, Dr Charles and Dr Laura saw an opportunity to combine their love and knowledge of dogs with a way to help their nervous patients and began to research ways in which they could introduce a dental assistance dog into their practice.

Boston and Harvey are rescue dogs that Dr Charles and Dr Laura adopted through Dog Rescue Newcastle in February 2018. They have undergone extensive training and assessments through Animal Behaviour NSW.

Boston and Harvey are available to give cuddles to patients, both young and old or to sit with nervous patients during treatment. They have comforted many anxious patients, as well as children.

Boston’s favourite pastimes are eating, particularly anything chicken-flavoured, chasing after tennis balls and barking at animals on the TV.

Harvey’s favourite pastimes are eating (he loves snacking on carrots), destroying his stuffed toys and running around at the beach.

Their weekends are spent walking into Terrigal to get a morning coffee with Dr Laura and Dr Charles, they are very social so if you see them around, please say hi!

FAQsKnow More About Boston and Harvey

As dental assistance dogs are relatively new to dental practices, we have come up with a list of
commonly asked questions:

A dental assistance dog is a dog trained to assist nervous patients before, during and after their dental procedures. It is one of the ways we hope to help people that avoid the dentist due to fear.

Dental assistance dogs come in all sizes and breeds. The most important characteristic of a dental assistance dog is their temperament. A good dental assistance dog must be friendly, patient, confident, gentle, and at ease in all situations. Boston and Harvey have been chosen as a therapy dog as they exhibit all these traits. Boston and Harvey love nothing more than human contact, whether it be a pat on the head, or sitting in your lap.

The purpose of the harness is to signify to Boston and Harvey that they are in ‘work mode’. When they are in ‘work mode’, they are very calm and well-mannered and take their job very seriously. Once the harness comes off, they go back to being regular dogs.

Yes! Boston and Harvey love a pat and they’ll even sit in your lap for a cuddle whilst you’re waiting for your dental appointment. If you want some extra attention during your appointment, feel free to bring Boston or Harvey into the surgery and they will sit on your lap and comfort you throughout your procedure. Harvey in particular has got a special talent with upset children and has been known to bring smiles to the faces of even the most nervous children at the dentist.

Yes! They are the most pampered pooches around. Boston and Harvey are regularly bathed and groomed. They even have a mint-flavoured doggy deodorant to keep them smelling fresh! Although Boston and Harvey are clean, like all dogs, they will shed a little and we have lint brushes available if you find yourself a little hairy after a cuddle.

If you are interested in adopting a rescue dog, speak to Dr Laura and Dr Charles, they are involved with Dog Rescue Newcastle and can put you in touch with some of the foster carers so you can help give dogs like Boston and Harvey a forever home.

Boston and Harvey live with Dr Charles and Dr Laura and live the life of regular dogs when they are not at the practice.

Our practise is driven by one simple thing – our values.

We firmly believe that the best dental services can be provided only with the most up-to-date technology. This is exactly why we have digital X-ray machines that allow for X-rays with the lowest radiation dose, pain-free electronic anaesthetic delivery and microscopes that ensure that every treatment is as precise as possible.

We at Terrigal Dental also believe that keeping patients waiting creates stress and anxiety. For this reason, we very rarely run late, which means that you will not be spending too much time in our patient lounge – even though it is a very nice and relaxing space.

  • Orthodontics
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  • General dental treatment

Our aim We go the extra mile to provide the best dental services in NSW

At Terrigal Dental, we are a progressive practice, wholeheartedly committed to our community of patients. Our welcoming, professional and caring team strive to ensure patients are cared for ethically and meticulously, providing clear, honest communication of all options for optimal personalised dentistry.